Raj Info Portal
Raj Info Portal: A Step in Rajasthan's Education
About us

Raj Info Portal

Our Mission: Bridging Education Services to Every Doorstep

Raj Info Portal is a stride towards transformative change, amalgamating education and governmental services across Rajasthan. Our aim resonates with the prosperity and advancement of education reaching every household. We are committed to aiding adults, youth, and children in accessing their rights to education. Our endeavor is to foster a society where educational opportunities flourish, empowering individuals to realize their full potential.


Language & Library
Sanskrit Education Department
Rajasthan State Open School
Early Childhood Care And Education

Other Important Links

Girls Education Foundation, Rajasthan

Girls Education Foundation, Rajasthan

Girls Education Foundation was established on 30 March 1995 with the aim of promoting girls’ education. Girls Education Foundation is a registered organization under the Society Act, whose Governing Council is headed by the Honorable Chief Minister and the Executive Council is headed by the Chief Secretary. At the time of establishment of the Foundation, an amount of Rs 1.00 crore was made available as corpus fund by the State Government. The amount of reserve fund is deposited in the Girls Education Foundation for recognition/promotion/change of place etc. of private educational institutions. At present the total amount of corpus fund and reserve fund of Rs 204.00 crore is deposited in the PD account of Girls Education Foundation. Approximately Rs 15 crore interest is earned from the said deposit every year. The following schemes are operated from the interest earned.

School Education

State Government has established 16000 secondary schools till 2013, along with more than 10000 higher secondary schools across state. Ajmer, Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota, Udaipur are the key educational hubs in the state. Kota is recognized as most sought after coaching city for JEE, AIEEE, AIPMT, RPMT. On the other hand Jodhpur is having popular Law university, IIT, AIIMs. IIM has been setup in Udaipur. LNMIT is in Jaipur, Agriculture university is available in Bikaner and Udaipur. Mayo College, Sophia, MGD, are some of the present private education university in Rajasthan.
Education Portal, Rajasthan
Shala Darpan, Rajasthan
Right to Education, Rajasthan


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आदर्श-उत्कृष्ट विद्यालय
आई.सी.टी.-कल्प विद्यालय
मॉडल विद्यालय
बालिका शिक्षा